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Fans have seen her in the G1 animated series and comic books, but now Lancer can been seen as an official Transformers figure, the mystery 5th figure of the combiner Orthia! The WFC-GS05 Autobot Lancer figure completes the combiner, along with Power of the Primes Elita-1, Power of the Primes Moonracer, Power of the Primes Novastar, and War for Cybertron Greenlight.Fans of the Greenlight-Lancer relationship can now collect both figures (sold separately).

Los fanáticos la han visto en la serie animada G1 y en los cómics, pero ahora Lancer puede ser visto como una figura oficial de Transformers, ¡la misteriosa quinta figura del combinador Orthia! La figura WFC-GS05 Autobot Lancer completa el combinador, junto con Power of the Primes Elita-1, Power of the Primes Moonracer, Power of the Primes Novastar y War for Cybertron Greenlight. Los fanáticos de la relación Greenlight-Lancer ahora pueden obtener ambos. figuras (se venden por separado).

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Transformers Generations Selects Deluxe Lancer

Precio regular ₡ 24.500,00

Impuesto incluido. Envío calculado a la salida


Fans have seen her in the G1 animated series and comic books, but now Lancer can been seen as an official Transformers figure, the mystery 5th figure of the combiner Orthia! The WFC-GS05 Autobot Lancer figure completes the combiner, along with Power of the Primes Elita-1, Power of the Primes Moonracer, Power of the Primes Novastar, and War for Cybertron Greenlight.Fans of the Greenlight-Lancer relationship can now collect both figures (sold separately).

Los fanáticos la han visto en la serie animada G1 y en los cómics, pero ahora Lancer puede ser visto como una figura oficial de Transformers, ¡la misteriosa quinta figura del combinador Orthia! La figura WFC-GS05 Autobot Lancer completa el combinador, junto con Power of the Primes Elita-1, Power of the Primes Moonracer, Power of the Primes Novastar y War for Cybertron Greenlight. Los fanáticos de la relación Greenlight-Lancer ahora pueden obtener ambos. figuras (se venden por separado).

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Transformers Generations Selects Deluxe Lancer

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